Boundless Imagination

Exploring new horizons in creativity with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology.

About Us
Welcome to Above The Void, where creativity meets innovation. Founded in 2022, our agency has been at the forefront of generative AI video, delivering exceptional services to our clients.

Since our inception, we've been on the bleeding edge of digital innovation, creating over 25 groundbreaking videos that have reshaped the visual experience for music lovers. Our clientele includes renowned names in the music scene like Saxon, Dokken, Queensryche, Ov Sulfur, and Voivod, testifying to our unique blend of artistic vision and technological prowess.

At Above The Void, we're not just about creating videos; we're about pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Our team, a blend of tech wizards and creative mavericks, is dedicated to exploring the limitless potential of AI in the realm of video production. We believe in the power of curiosity and the pursuit of the extraordinary.

Our goal is to captivate audiences by reaching out to diverse musical genres and demographics. Above The Void is more than a production company; it's a hub of innovation, a place where art meets artificial intelligence to create something truly spectacular.

Join us on this exhilarating journey as we explore new horizons in video production and beyond!

Ethical AI
Our Commitment to Ethical Use of Generative AI in Art

We are deeply committed to the responsible and ethical use of generative artificial intelligence in the creation of art. We believe in fostering creativity and innovation while respecting the rights and works of artists around the world.

Respecting Intellectual Property
We understand the importance of intellectual property rights and are dedicated to using generative AI in a manner that respects these rights. We do not use the works of artists without their permission in training our AI models. Our approach ensures that the AI-generated art is original and does not infringe upon the rights of existing artists.

Promoting Originality and Creativity
Our use of generative AI is focused on creating unique and original artworks. We strive to ensure that our AI tools are sources of inspiration and innovation, rather than mere replication of existing art styles and forms. This commitment helps us in nurturing a creative environment that values originality and artistic expression.

Collaboration and Open Dialogue
We believe in the power of collaboration and open dialogue with artists, technologists, and the broader community. We are always open to feedback and discussion on how to improve our practices and contribute positively to the world of art.

We are excited about the potential of generative AI in art and are dedicated to exploring this frontier responsibly. We are committed to using this technology in a way that respects the rights of artists and contributes positively to the artistic community.
We believe in maintaining open and accessible communication channels with our clients, partners, and the community. Whether you have questions, need detailed information, or seek assistance with our services, our dedicated team is always here to provide you with prompt and helpful responses.

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